“Bringing the right product to the market at the right time…”

Magnesite works in Jelšava is the greatest mining and manufacturing magnesite plant in Slovakia. Nowadays, it has gone through over 100 years old history

Aká bude budúcnosť baníctva?
12.08. 2024

      Asociácia priemyselných zväzov a dopravy, Slovenská banská komora, Zväz hutníctva, ťažobného priemyslu a geológie SR a Slovenské magnezitové závody, akciová spoločnosť, Jelšava iniciovali zvolanie tlačového brífingu zameraného na aktuálnu si

[čítať ďalej]


Magnesite works in Jelšava is the greatest mining and manufacturing magnesite plant in Slovakia. Nowadays, it is a property of joint-stock company and it has gone through over 100 years old history. During the time of its existence the company went through different kinds of transformation process. After breaking-up of the state concern SMZ Košice, on 1.1.1993 there was established the state concern SMZ Jelšava. On 16.2.1994 the plant was registered in the Commercial Register as a joint-stock company.


  • SMZ, a.s. Jelšava
    Teplá Voda 671
    049 16 Jelšava
    Slovenská republika