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Aká bude budúcnosť baníctva?
12.08. 2024

      Asociácia priemyselných zväzov a dopravy, Slovenská banská komora, Zväz hutníctva, ťažobného priemyslu a geológie SR a Slovenské magnezitové závody, akciová spoločnosť, Jelšava iniciovali zvolanie tlačového brífingu zameraného na aktuálnu si

[čítať ďalej]



Magnesite works in Jelšava is the greatest mining and manufacturing magnesite plant in Slovakia. Nowadays, it is a property of joint-stock company and it has gone through over 100 years old history. During the time of its existence the company went through different kinds of transformation process. After breaking-up of the state concern SMZ Košice, on 1.1.1993 there was established the state concern SMZ Jelšava. On 16.2.1994 the plant was registered in the Commercial Register as a joint-stock company.


  • SMZ, a.s. Jelšava
    Teplá Voda 671
    049 16 Jelšava
    Slovenská republika