- SMZ, a.s. Jelšava
Dead-burnt magnesia clinkers are used for mag-chrome bricks and monolithic mixes.
Dead-burnt magnesia made prepared by two step firing method.
Dead-burnt magnesia made prepared by two step firing method, Low volume of CaO and SiO2 is characteristic for this product.
Magnesite works in Jelšava is the greatest mining and manufacturing magnesite plant in Slovakia. Nowadays, it is a property of joint-stock company and it has gone through over 100 years old history. During the time of its existence the company went through different kinds of transformation process. After breaking-up of the state concern SMZ Košice, on 1.1.1993 there was established the state concern SMZ Jelšava. On 16.2.1994 the plant was registered in the Commercial Register as a joint-stock company.